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You’ll Feel Better…
Knowing That We’re There!

17 Years of Providing Service
to the Senior Population

We Allow Our Clients
to Age at Home

Personalized Care Plans
For Your Loved Ones

We Hire
Compassionate Caregivers

The SEI Healthcare Promise to Tennessee

Successful senior healthcare goes beyond creating and implementing a personalized care plan for your loved one. SEI Healthcare promises to provide trained, insured, experienced and friendly Caregivers who have an aptitude for exceptional performance. We trust them to perpetuate our Culture of Caring® by providing them with the training to ensure proper comfort, promote well-being, and preserve the dignity of every Client we serve.

Quality Care for Seniors

We at SEI Healthcare have been meeting the demands of the senior population in Tennessee for over 20 years. Seniors are now the fastest-growing demographic of the population in the US. As their numbers expand, we continue to do what we’ve always done. Our standards of service are to:

  • Provide nurturing, professional caregivers
  • Allow our Clients to age at home
  • Afford their families relief and peace of mind
  • Understanding that our Clients’ input regarding
    the assistance they need is of utmost importance
  • Short or long term home health care

Learn More

elderly couple laughing while sitting on a couch together

In-Home Services Provided

  • Grooming and Dressing
  • Bathing
  • Continence Care
  • Mobility
  • Oral Care
  • Hair Care
  • Veterans
  • Post-surgical patients
  • Pregnant women
  • Those in need of transportation to appointments
elderly man smiling at care giver while drinking coffee

You Are Not Alone

As a person ages, family members often feel the need to help with everyday tasks their loved one now experiences difficulty completing alone. You may see a slow progression when you notice your parent forgetting to pay bills, miss doctor appointments, not take scheduled medications, etc. It could be that you see many changes happen quickly when a parent has broken a hip and cannot manage day to day living activities. If this sounds like something your family is experiencing, you’re not alone.

Does your loved one suffer from any of the following?
  • Memory Loss or Wandering
  • Safety Concerns or Mobility Issues
  • Medical Complications
  • Sundowner’s Syndrome
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Dementia
  • Daily Living Difficulty
Are you worrying over any of the following for your loved one?
  • Maintaining Independence
  • General Safety
  • General Well-Being
  • Socialization
  • Depression

If you find yourself experiencing any of those items,
SEI Healthcare can offer you a solution.

Contact Us

If you would like a SEI Healthcare representative to get in touch with you about our in home care services, please complete the form below

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY

1730 General George Patton Dr #108, Brentwood, TN 37027, USA


5959 Shallowford Road, Suite 101, Chattanooga, TN 37421

Johnson City

112 E Myrtle Ave ste 314, Johnson City, TN 37601, USA


316 Nancy Lynn Lane, Ste 6, Knoxville, TN 37919


5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 616, Memphis, TN 38157